video-dance film

1st Award at the Thessaloniki international VideoDance film festival (project|exchange|2005)

concept – direction: Manolis Iliakis
choreography: Filipos Mendes Lazaris, Joanna Toumpakari
video editing: Polyvios Kessaris 
music: Cl. Debussy, (The Snow is Dancing, Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum)
photography: George Chrisanthakopoulos
performer: Joanna Toumpakari
costume designer: em.kei
spatial design: Manolis Iliakis
production: private [egotism], Thessaloniki Film Festival - VideoDance (project|exchange|2005)
Athens|Greece 2005 

This video purports to be a comment on the relationship between architecture and the human body, spatial memory and dance expression. It explores ways to escape the self-evident. There are no predetermined choreographic instructions in order to achieve by means of improvisation a reading of the specific shell through the space created–built by the human body itself.

The key motion instruction for the performer was to create a constant negation of spatial and temporal continuity. The absence of a stable basis for meaning reinforces motion and favours multiple repercussions or interchanges of the spatial lines and levels.
Architectural design, choreography and music appear like three layers functioning autonomously as well as in a complementary manner. The performer succumbs to a network of limits drawn by an unknown hand.
The trace left by the physical movement could be an improved version of the architectural floor plan.

DVD, 7 min

selected projections of the video dance film “Body Wall”:

1. Olympion theatre, Thessaloniki, 05.
2. festival Rotation 05, Kiasma Museum, Helsinki.
3. festival VideoDialoghi, Torino (Dec. 05).
4. Seminar Urban Bodies, Cyprus, 9 Apr. 06.

theoretical text for the BODY WALL

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